Alternative BBEdit Icon

A handful of people (1, 2, 3, 4) reckon the icon for BBEdit 8 (It doesn't suck.®) seems to suck. I agree, so I took the Application Icon Template from Scotland Software and whipped-up a quick alternative — which still sucks; but maybe a bit less.

BBEdit 7 BBEdit 8 Alternative
A two-blue-tone-harlequin square, rotated 45 degrees from horizontal, then intertwingled with a checkerboard style frame. An ambigously serifed black capital letter 'b' is overlayed, with a faint white blurred glow around the edges. A two-blue-tone-harlequin square, rotated 45 degrees from horizontal, then intertwingled with a checkerboard style frame. An informal spindly black capital letter 'b' is overlayed, with a white blurred glow around the edges. An icon showing a blue pen hovering over a document containing text formatted to look a bit like programming code.