A first look at ActionScript 2

Macromedia announced Flash MX 2004 today (due for release sometime in September 2003, I’m not sure what the MX bit stands for).

ActionScript has been bumped-up a major revision to version 2. Here’s what I could find on Macromedia’s site about ActionScript 2.0. From the New Features page:

Take advantage of ActionScript 2.0’s more robust programming model and object-oriented programming support, which makes it more familiar to experienced Java programmers.

And from a more detailed Feature Tour:

With object-oriented programming support and a more robust, European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) standards-compliant programming model, ActionScript 2.0 is more familiar to experienced Java programmers. Compile ActionScript 2.0 code to ActionScript 1.0 for playback on earlier versions of the Macromedia Flash Player.

I think it’s a bit light on details ;-). Luckily, Colin Mook has posted an interesting preview of a sample ActionScript 2.0 class:

* A sample ActionScript 2.0 class.

class Box {

// Box dimensions.
private var width:Number;
private var height:Number;

// Movie clip that will contain visual
// representation of the box.
private var container_mc:MovieClip;

* Constructor.
public function Box (w:Number, h:Number,
x:Number, y:Number,
target:MovieClip, depth:Number) {

// Create the container clip that will hold Box visuals.
container_mc = target.createEmptyMovieClip("boxcontainer" + depth, depth);

// Initialize size.

// Initialize position.

* Accessor to retrieve width.
public function getWidth ():Number {
return width;

* Accessor to assign width. This version both assigns the new width property
* value and redraws the box based on the new width.
public function setWidth (w:Number):Void {
width = w;

* Accessor to retrieve height.
public function getHeight ():Number {
return height;

* Accessor to assign height. This version both assigns the new height property
* value and redraws the box based on the new height.
public function setHeight (h:Number):Void {
height = h;

* Accessor to retrieve x. For convenience, the x and y coordinates
* are stored directly on the container movie clip. If numeric accuracy
* were a concern, we'd store x as a Box property separately so
* that it wouldn't be rounded by the MovieClip class.
public function getX ():Number {
return container_mc._x;

* Accessor to assign x.
public function setX (x:Number):Void {
container_mc._x = x;

* Accessor to retrieve y.
public function getY ():Number {
return container_mc._y;

* Accessor to assign y.
public function setY (y:Number):Void {
container_mc._y = y;

* Displays the Box instance on screen. Uses the MovieClip drawing methods to
* draw lines in container_mc. For more information, see
* ActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide.
public function draw ():Void {
// Clear the previous box rendering.
// Use a 1 point black line.
container_mc.lineStyle(1, 0x000000);
// Position the drawing pen.
container_mc.moveTo(0, 0);
// Start a white fill.
container_mc.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, 100);
// Draw the border of the box.
container_mc.lineTo(width, 0);
container_mc.lineTo(width, height);
container_mc.lineTo(0, height);
container_mc.lineTo(0, 0);
// Formally stop filling the shape.
